Jan 2, 2019
Welcome back to Whelmed Reprints. It’s the Holiday Season here in the States so we’ll be taking time to spend with our families and get ready for Season 3, premiering this Friday, January 4th, 2019.
For our final reprint of the holiday season, and to celebrate the airing of Young Justice Outsiders this Friday, I wanted to revisit our first Young Justice cast interview.
As you’ll hear, Crispin Freeman is not only the voice of Red Arrow, he’s a highly skilled sound engineer and a scholar of mythology. We invited Crispin on first because, well, it turns out that he and I have mutual friends, a fact I had no clue about until we had announced that Whelmed was in production.
Crispin, thank you again from the entire team here at Whelmed. You are quite literally a gentleman and a scholar and chatting with you was both a pleasure and an honor.
In other news, Season 3 airs this Friday! If you happen to live in or around San Diego, Whelmed will be hosting a viewing party at the incredible “Eclipse Chocolate” here in South Park. Eclipse is both a bar and bistro serving delicious food and drinks, as well as producing the most amazing chocolate, vanilla, and caramel infused confections. Feel free to stop by early for dinner and drinks, then join us in the Umbral Room at 7pm for socializing, and at ~8pm for the triple-episode premier. Myself and editor Richard Kreutz-Landry will be there, along with some of our previous discussion guests and, we hope, a few surprises as well.
Happy New Year. We hope you’ve enjoyed your holiday season, and you enjoy this double-episode special. Thanks to all of you for the incredible support you’ve given to both Young Justice and us here at Whelmed. You’ve made our past 2 years a dream come true.
Stay Whelmed, everyone. Today is almost the day.