Mar 17, 2017
Hello team! The end of season one is drawing ever-closer with today's review of Image.
This is M’gann's spotlight episode and the time for what might be the biggest reveal about her character development. This episode adds another layer to the suspicious activity being built in the meta-plot. And there's a lot of love for Garfield!
Also, be sure to listen to Rich reveal a shocking secret about the hero he wants to be.
The segments for this episode are as follows:
Hello Megan - 2:01
Mission Briefing - 2:38
Feeling the Aster - 8:18
Canary Debrief - 18:39
Crashing the Mode - 20:56 to 33:22
Our Fan Service for this week is the amazing work by Estrella-Angel on Young Justice fan art and speculation art about the future of the series. Check it all out on DeviantArt here.
And if you want to listen to the Druid-filled Detention episode from The RPG Academy podcast that Rich mentions, it can be found here.
As always, thanks for listening and all your support. We appreciate each and every one of you more than we can express. If you have a moment to add some additional support, a rating and review on iTunes or your pod catcher of choice would help immensely. And if you have the ability to support us monetarily, we have a Patreon here.
Thank you all, and stay whelmed.